The revolutionary technology of oxygen measurement is particularly suitable for the measurement of photosynthetic oxygen release and soil microecology research.
Main functions
FireSting O, a compact fiber-optic oxygen measuring instrument developed by Pyro Science, Germany2It has extremely high measurement accuracy and operates via USB-connected PC control software.It has three fiber-optic oxygen measuring instruments: single-channel, dual-channel and four-channel.
Pyro Science has several new technologies that make FireSting O2Become a new benchmark in the field of high-precision oxygen measurement.
fires2It can be connected to small sensors, microsensors, robust probes, or contactless point sensors; the sensor end size can range from 50 mm to 3 mm.
In addition, a FireSting O2It is also possible to use several sensors with different measurement ranges (large and trace ranges) at the same time.Optimized design production process to enable FireSting O2Maintain competitive prices while maintaining product performance.
Compact multi-purpose fiber-optic oxygen measuring instrument, controlled via USB connection
Accurate and sensitive oxygen detection using the latest REDFLASH technology
Fast and accurate data calibration with humidity and atmospheric pressure sensors
Measure oxygen content in various environments such as gas phase, liquid phase, solid phase, semi-solid phase, etc., which is particularly suitable for photosynthetic oxygen discharging measurement
Available in 1, 2 or 4 channel versions
It can be connected to micro sensors, small sensors, rugged probes, or contactless point sensors
Sensor end diameter from 50 µm to 3 mm
One FireSting O2It can be used simultaneously with several sensors with different measurement ranges (full range and trace range)
Powered via USB, no separate power required
OEM customization available
Revolutionary REDFLASH technology
The REDFLASH technology invented by Pyro Science is based on the REDFLASH dye luminescence technology that is only sensitive to oxygen.After the REDFLASH dye is excited by red light (λ=620 nm), it emits near-infrared light (NIR) of different intensities depending on the amount of oxygen.The oxygen content can be reflected by measurement of NIR intensity.REDFLASH technology has the characteristics of high precision, high stability, low power consumption, low interference degree and fast response.Red excitation light can effectively reduce the interference of autofluorescence and reduce stress on organisms.
When the REDFLASH dye is excited by red light, it emits NIR, and the NIR emitted gradually decreases as the oxygen concentration increases (quenching effect).
A) High NIR emission at low oxygen concentration; B) Low NIR emission at high oxygen concentration
Measurement parameters
Oxygen concentration, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, temperature.
Application areas
Simultaneous measurement of oxygen in multiple samples in different fields, or long-term continuous monitoring of oxygen, is suitable for measuring in various media such as gases, liquids, solids (such as soil) and semi-solids (such as biofilm)
Suitable for scientific research, environmental monitoring, meteorological, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, steel and other industries
Measurement of photosynthesis and respiration
Bioreactor monitoring
Fermentation process monitoring
Enzyme kinetics analysis
Cell Biology Research
Water quality monitoring
Oxygen measurement in soil, bottom sludge, biofilm
Wastewater treatment process monitoring
Compost (processing)
Gas generation
Residual oxygen measurement
Automatic lazy sealing system
Biogas/landfil gas oxygen monitoring
Oxidation process monitoring
Other areas where oxygen concentration is required
Main technical parameters
Purchase Guide:
fires2It is a high-precision, compact, PC-based fiber-optic oxygen measuring instrument, available in single-channel, dual-channel and four-channel versions.It can be widely used in laboratory and field short-term investigation or long-term monitoring, as well as oxygen monitoring in industrial fields.The host is connected to the computer via a USB port and does not require an external battery.Each model of the host includes a temperature sensor interface for connecting to the TDIP15 temperature sensor.
1. fires2Host
The picture shows four channels FireSting O2The host, among which S1-S4 is 4 sensor interfaces, connected to the sensor through optical fiber; T is the TDIP15 temperature sensor interface, and USB is connected to the computer.
2. Different types of sensors
There are three types of sensors:Needle sensorandRugged probe,Point sensorandMeasuring cup containing a dot sensor.
Each sensor is divided intoNormal typeandTrace gas type, the optimal measurement range corresponding to ordinary type is 0-50% O2(Maximum 0-100% O2), trace gas type is 0-10% O2.
Among them, needle-shaped sensors can be divided intoFixedandRetractable,Retractable needle-shaped sensors are available in both micro and small sizes.
2.1 Needle sensor and rugged probe
In the figure, the needle-shaped sensor is protected by optical fiber (C), plug (P), and the sensor Cap (PC),It consists of sensor handle (H), sensor needle (N), etc. | |
In the figure, R is a retractable needle-shaped sensor, F is a fixed needle-shaped sensor, oneIt is a rugged probe. | |
Sensor end diameter: 50 μm-3 mm (A: Retractable needle sensor; B: Needle sensor with protective cap; C: Fixed needle sensor; D: Rugged probe).
Measurement range: Normal sensor 0-50% O2(0-23 mg/L dissolved oxygen): Maximum 0-100% O2(0-45 mg/L dissolved oxygen); trace sensor 0-10% O2(0-5 mg/L dissolved oxygen)
Optional sensor end(T): telescopic (H) or fixed
calibration: Single point calibration, two point calibration
Measurement method: Use dye technology based on REDFLASH oxygen-sensitive coating cured at the end of the sensor.
application: Common sensors are used for long-term oxygen content measurement in air or liquids.The retractable sensor allows the internal oxygen content to be measured by inserting tissue, packaging materials, etc.Micro sensors are used in high resolution experiments such as semi-solid samples, sediments, biofilms or tissues, and can be mounted on an automated mechanized manipulator manufactured by Pyro Science for precise cross-sectional measurements.
2.1.1 Retractable needle-shaped sensor
The retractable needle-shaped sensor has four movable positions for removing and retracting the sensor probe from the needle.The main function is to retract the probe into the needle tube when the internal oxygen content needs to be measured, and when the shell or skin of the object to be measured is hard, the probe can be extended to the needle tube after the needle tube is pierced into the object to be measured.
2.1.2 Fixed needle-shaped sensor
Fixed needle-shaped sensors have very high measurement accuracy and are connected through their own fiber-optic connection FireSting O2Host.During the measurement process, no oxygen is consumed or unnecessary disturbances are generated.And while being cheaper than traditional electrode sensors, it also has a service life of more than 3 years.Can be used to measure gas or liquids, with a response time of less than 1 second.
2.1.3 Exposed fiber optic sensor
With other FireSting O2The same sensor is used, and this sensor also has a REDFLASH coating at the end to measure oxygen concentration.However, this sensor does not have any housing because the optical fiber can be bent, which allows it to easily penetrate into the interior of some complex objects for measurement.And has the same accuracy and stability as other sensors.Available in micro sensors (end diameter 50 mm) and small sensors (230 mm, 430 mm).
2.2 Point sensor
The dot-shaped sensor surface is coated with REDFLASH dye coating, and the sensor is mounted in a transparent container (e.g.Cuvettes, triangular flasks, photobioreactors, transparent pipesetc.) The inner side and the adapter with optical fiber is installed on the outside to measure the oxygen content without contact.Point sensors are provided5 Mom, 8 MomTwo diameters are available.
Sensor diameter: Diameter 5 mm, 8 mm
· Measurement range: Normal sensor 0-50% O2(0-23 mg/L dissolved oxygen): Maximum 0-100% O2(0-45 mg/L dissolved oxygen); trace sensor 0-10% O2(0-5 mg/L dissolved oxygen)
· Installation location: Transparent on the inner wall of the container filled with liquid or gas to be tested
· Measurement: Use 1 mm fiber alignment measurement point from the outside
Gas circulation pipe | Fiber for dot sensors | ||
A dot-shaped sensor is integrated inside the gas flow tube, allowing the gas to be measured to pass through the tube at a medium flow rate and accurately measuring the oxygen content flowing through the tube. | This fiber is used to connect to FireSting2Main unit with dot sensor, measuring cup or circulation tube.The standard cable length is 2 m.The left image shows the fiber-connected dot sensor (right image) adapter to measure the solution in the bottle. |
2.3 Breathing Bottle
The breathing bottle contains a strip sensor, which connects the optical fiber to the host through an adapter, which can be used to measure the oxygen content in a small volume of liquid. The optical fiber moves up and down with the adapter ring and the strip sensor to measure the oxygen content at different locations; 4 mland 20 ml are available.
2.4 Temperature sensor (TDIP15)
High-precision temperature sensor (TDIP15) can be directly connected to FireSting O2Host.This sensor is used to continuously and automatically monitor the temperature of the object to be measured. When the temperature of the object to be measured changes, its reading is used to correct the oxygen measurement results.At the same time, it can also be used in temperature-independent experiments, because its measurement accuracy is much higher than other standard temperature sensors.
2.5 Micromanipulator
When it is necessary to accurately measure the oxygen concentration in solids (such as soil, etc.) and semi-solids (such as base sludge, biofilm, etc.), especially when precise stratification measurement is required, it can be performed with an optical fiber sensor in combination with a micromanipulator.
Pyro Science offers three micromanipulators for connecting needle-shaped sensors:
· Manual MM33
· Single-axis automatic type MU1
· Dual-axis automatic MUX2
The automatic micromanipulator is computer-controlled and can be moved with a minimum accuracy of 0.1 µm.
After fixing the needle-shaped probe, the automatic micromanipulator accurately moves the probe to the designated part inside the sample through computer control, and reduces movement errors as small as possible and obtains accurate measurement results.
Note: Heavy duty bracket HS1 or light duty bracket HS1 can be selected to stabilize the support of the micro-operating table.
Origin: Canada Regent
Application examples
Determination of in situ oxygen content of Arctic Sediments
Image source: Dr. Frank Wenzhoufer,
Group for Deep Sea Ecology and Technology, Alfred-Wegeneer-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, and Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen (both inGermany)
Determination of liquid flow oxygen content in microreactor
Image source: Courtesy of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, Graz University of Technology (Austria)
Determination of oxygen content in leaf tissue
Image source: Courtesy of J. Kirchberg and M. Fischer, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, and J. Bravidor, Department of Lake Research, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Magdeburg (both in Germany)
Original data source: Google Scholar
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