Underwater modulation of chlorophyll fluorescence meter——DIVING-PAM-II
Date:2017-01-04 22:47:41

Main functions

Measurement parameters

Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm, F, Fm, Y(II), qP, qN, NPQ, Y(NO), Y(NPQ), rETR, water depth, water temperature, etc.

Application areas

It is applied in aquatic biology and marine biology, intertidal ecology, coral research, lake ecology and other fields.In situ measurement of corals,

The only instrument for the physiological activity of large seaweeds and submerged plants.It can also be used to measure the photosynthetic activity of terrestrial higher plants in the rainy season.Microalgae can be measured, but is not very suitable for phytoplankton measurements in natural water bodies.

Main technical parameters

Purchase Guide

1. Standard Edition

System composition: general-purpose host, optical fiber, universal sample holder, dark adaptive leaf clip, magnetic leaf clip, surface leaf clip, software, etc.

DIVING-PAM-II components
1. Main machine; 2. Optical fiber; 3. Underwater universal sample holder; 4. Dark adaptive leaf clip; 5. Magnetic leaf clip
Note: In addition to the above accessories, there are also surface sample holders suitable for measuring attached samples. If you need to order additional leaf clips, please explain.

DIVING-PAM Underwater Measurement Pictures
For more content, you can view the DIVING-PAM underwater work video

Origin: WALZ, Germany


Data source: Photosynthesis Literature Endnote database, updated to September 2016, with more than 6,000 documents

Original data source: Google Scholar

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