Zealquest Invited to Attend 2021 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference
Date:2021-07-21 10:10:00

From July 14th - 17th, Zealquest was invited to attend 2021 IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference in Harbin, China. This conference was organized by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society and Harbin Engineering University.


More than 300 scholars from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Norway and other countries attended the conference (some foreign scholars attended the conference through video system). The conference concentrated on the following topics: “Underwater acoustics and acoustical oceanography”, “Ocean acoustic observatories and ocean acoustic instruments, systems and platforms”, “Ocean sound propagation modeling and experiments”, “Marine sediment acoustics”, “Ocean noise and reverberation”, “Underwater acoustic communication and networking”, and so on.


As the exclusive sponsor, Zealquest had a booth in the conference and showed the products and technologies from BioSonics, CytoBuoy, GreenEyes and other partners. During the conference, Zealquest's technicians exchanged with researchers about the theory of products, technical characters, application skills and experience.


